Friday, February 27, 2009

T.G.I.F. and The House

I am so happy that it is friday and I think my cold is almost gone! I am going to spend the weekend packing for our big move. We FINALY found a house and it is looking good. Our closing date is set for March 13th, the day before my husband John's birthday. Officially two weeks from today! I still feel like it is a dream and it may not happen. The day we get the keys it will become reality!! Have a great day!


  1. What a cute home! Looks like a nice yard to play in as well. I can't wait to own a home again. My husband and I rent in the city and the upstairs and downstairs neighbors are really inconsiderate.
    You are truly blessed!

  2. Congrat on your new home- it's beautiful! I found you on PCP and you have a great blog!


    PS- I love american idol and twilight too!!!!
